HALF MOON SHAPE ON YOUR NAILS? Apne nakhon dakhin - Healthy Tips

We have all wandered at least one time, what does it mean or what’s the purpose of the white moon shaped area at the end of our fingernails, well, here’s your answer, this whitish half- moon is called “lunula” which means small moon in Latin, and with reason we should be very careful about not damaging it.

This is actually the visible part of the nail’s root and if we are reckless with it, it may damage your entire nail and it will be permanently deformed. Furthermore, if the rest of the nail is damaged it falls off or is surgically removed and the lanula will stay intact and on its place. It is visible almost to everyone’s fingernails. In some other cases, the eponychium, the thickened layer of skin surrounding fingernails or toenails, may partially or completely cover the lanula, but it is still there.
HALF MOON SHAPE ON YOUR NAILS? Apne nakhon dakhin - Healthy Tips HALF MOON SHAPE ON YOUR NAILS? Apne nakhon dakhin - Healthy Tips Reviewed by Unknown on 19:05 Rating: 5

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